Monday Market Haul - 12/15/2014

Lacinato kale, spinach, sweet italian sausage, sage, brussels sprouts, butternut squash (not pictured...oops)

Lacinato kale, spinach, sweet italian sausage, sage, brussels sprouts, butternut squash (not pictured...oops)

Oh man. I had so many plans. So.many.plans. I left real life on Friday legit pumped to be awesome and productive and the best blogger around.

Aaaaannnnnnd then unlike last Saturday where I was the earliest of birds, I got off to the latest of starts. Nearly nothing got done, other than a speedy greenmarket run.

Me looking at brussels sprouts photo cred: Sean Gallagher

Me looking at brussels sprouts photo cred: Sean Gallagher

I had to rush home to make a cake for a holiday party and I can’t even tell you that my Winter Fruit Salad test was a success because, like a big failure, I didn't bring it! I cracked open the pomegranate on Saturday afternoon and it was rotten inside. And because I am not a good adult, I had not left myself any time at all to get another pomegranate. What would have been great is if I had followed my own suggestion and made it ahead of time and found out then! Responsibility at it’s finest ladies and gents.

I did get ONE thing off my weekend bucket list and that was to get some bone broth at brodo in the lower east side. I tried all three offerings -- the chicken, the hearth, and the beef and they were all inexplicably delicious. I ended up going with the grass-fed beef which was bolstered with the hefty taste of ginger. For a chilly December day it was really warming and the savoriness of it made it stick to your ribs in that comforting way. Seriously, you should get some now.

Sunday was better...maybe? Depends on your definition of better.

Last Wednesday, I started “oil pulling.” Have you heard of it? Google away my friends. You can get these wicked detox headaches when you first start and I think it’s safe to say I had one Sunday morning. I was the slowest of snails doing anything no matter how much coffee I consumed. After dropping an entire sheet pan of butternut squash on the floor I only got one recipe completed and one tested. Calm down. I washed it. But seriously I could not get it together. Both things were AH-MAZE though, and one just needs a smidgen more work before it can get to your lovely screens.

Here’s to hoping I can get my act together next weekend as I am up to my eyeballs in brussels sprouts and plans for them!