Monday Market Haul - 12/8/2014

Remember Friday? All that big talk of being super cuddly and lazy and comfy all weekend?

I had full intentions of doing exactly what I said I was going to do --- weather those rainy days in full on sloth status. But then, I popped out of bed Saturday morning at 8:15 like it was nobody’s business. (This never happens on say, the weekdays, when it actually needs to happen.) I peered out the window and saw that --- yes, indeed, it was the shit day predicted. Gloomy, cloudy, threatening to pour --- basically begging me to stay in my sweats with a cup of coffee and a few episodes of Gilmore Girls.

Instead, I found myself pulling on pants and rain boots and heading out the door before it had even struck nine. I got to the farmer’s market so early my normal coffee joint hadn’t even opened yet! Uncaffeinated but determined, I made my rounds and only caught some raindrops the last couple blocks back to my apartment.

I was ridiculously productive the entire rest of the weekend. Did blog things, cleaned, went out for late lunch on Saturday with girlfriends. Where, btw, I had a life affirming burrata app --- there was a brown butter sage sauce that I must.figure.out. Remember when I said burrata should be a way of life? Still rings true. And what do you know? Sunday was damn gorgeous. Met my old roommates for some brunch at the best place in town and had the best eggs benedict I’ve ever had. Can we talk about maple pecan crusted bacon for one second? I mean. I can’t even. I’m plotting the ways to recreate it.

It was nice to be surprised at how exactly opposite my weekend was than what I had thought it was going to be. Somewhere in there the boy and I did manage to finish season 3 and move onto season 4 of The Wire whilst canoodling with the cat. So I didn’t completely turn back on my word.

So the market haul -- obvs, brussels sprouts are a big thing right now. Shaved raw, char roasted, pan fried with bacon --- give me all the sprouts. Shout out also to Rick’s Picks. While I did not have room in my market budget or my market tote this past weekend, I plan to splurge on some spicy pickles and maybe some “smokra” from Rick one of these days. The samples were ah-maze.

pumpkin pie by request of boyfriend, honeycrisp apples, lacinato kale, brussels sprouts, shallots, delicata squash, sweet onions

pumpkin pie by request of boyfriend, honeycrisp apples, lacinato kale, brussels sprouts, shallots, delicata squash, sweet onions