Monday Market Haul - 2/23/2015

Well I went MIA there for a bit, I’m sorry. I have no excuse other than, well, life.

Work, was the main culprit, it was just “one of those weeks” for two weeks in a row. And then sometimes I take the work life “home with me.” It makes it nearly impossible to scrounge up the least bit of creative energy, and then I let this space wander. The following guilt makes things no better.

Hoping to get back to a regular routine over here.

Going to the market in the beginnings of an actual snow storm was a magical and refreshing start to the weekend. In a stroke of luck, I was able to get all I needed at the market, even though I got there much later than usual, due to work, and then there was snow. More snow.

I figured all the farmers were going to pack up early to avoid a slippery drive back. But I hauled ass down to Union Square as soon as I could just to see if anyone was still there. While some stands were missing and others were wrapping up, I was still able to score sausage, syrup, squash, and the prettiest greens in existence. The Vermont syrup guys had no plans to leave too early -- hardcore New Englanders. #represent

Since I missed about two weeks here, I’ve built up quite the backlog of things to share, so I’m hoping to get my act together and get them out to the world, asap. Those cute, little nasturtiums that came in my greens (via, Two Guys From Woodbridge) and the days staying brighter longer is certainly helping my motivation right now.

Although my initial positive outlook for 2015 is at times waning away, I can still feel change in the air. I’m desperately trying to stay close to that feeling as I move throughout my days. Just keep cooking, just keep cooking, just keep cooking...I tell myself.