Monday Market Haul - 4/20/2015

Sometimes I forget that spring might be my favorite time of year.

Summer is my jam. I’m probably the only person in this city that appreciates a good humid climate combined with straight outta hell heat. Fall is pretty gorge, but only in New England. Winter, um, again, only in New England. And only if you don’t have to drive anywhere.

But spring. Spring is an amazing time of year, especially in the city. All of a sudden, it starts thawing out, both physically and metaphorically. The winters can be harshhhhh. And so can the summers in their own sense. But when we have yet to remember that summer follows spring, we’re all pretty excited to exit our self-imposed hibernation.

My absolute favorite is when the trees start to bloom. All the trees wake up and are no longer these stoic, scraggly sticks coming out of the ground. They’re like giant bouquets erupting out of the sidewalks! Eventually all the petals fall off, but even that is beautiful, like snow showers.

As excited as I was for the start of the new year, spring has begun to be the true time of rebirth and new beginnings. The city has just begun it’s reawakening, and I along with it. I didn’t realize I’d been hibernating too.

Spring favorites have been popping up all over my instagram. I was super excited to get my hands on some this weekend at the market. I only found some RAMPS! But as buying even one bunch at $20(!!!!) would have stripped down half my market budget I decided against them. Alas, there was no rhubarb or spring peas or asparagus. Those grams must have been situated a bit more south or west of the northeast. Oh well, next week (or the week after, or the week after) it is!

These pictures are from some hauls from a few weeks ago. Long past due.