Monday Market Haul - 6/15/2015

(Shhh...I totally know it’s Tuesday)

rhubarb, baby carrots, snap peas, red russian kale, strawberries, garlic scapes, parsley, chive blossoms, freshly milled cornmeal, red spring onions, romaine

rhubarb, baby carrots, snap peas, red russian kale, strawberries, garlic scapes, parsley, chive blossoms, freshly milled cornmeal, red spring onions, romaine

Lately the smell of rain has been getting to me.

It makes me nostalgic for my childhood home. When I used to sit at an open window and watch it come down in droves. When the sound instantly reminded me of this song. When getting a little bit wet from summer rain was a big “who cares?” Muddy feet were welcomed. Bonus points for freshly cut grass coming along for the ride.

Now, a true city slicker --- the slicker the city becomes, the bigger a grump I have the potential to become.

But lately, as long as I don’t have to deal with soaked shoes or wet rat hair, I find myself relishing in an afternoon summer rainstorm. Now, I crank the windows open, sit on the couch in the dusky grey light, and do things like write this post. I’m lucky enough to have two huge trees outside my living room windows. So the rhythmic sound of rain wafts through the open window along with the scent that it gives off when it hits organic matter like tree bark, it’s only slightly tainted by the smell of wet garbage.

Probably the best part about summer rainstorms is that in a split second they are gone. You experience them in all their fierce sudden glory and then just like that! Leaving only a few traces that they passed --- drips off the tree leaves and fire escapes, a puddle or two, a rainbow. The sun is out and shining, the birds begin chirping again and it’s like it never even happened.

But you’ll always have that smell, in the back of your mind, for the next time.

There’s this and many other things to love about summer, behold my market haul. I bought almost all the things. I did somehow manage to leave the place without buying a $12 box of cherries. I am relishing the fact that every time I open my fridge I can pop a perfectly ripe strawberry into my mouth. And guys, the things I did to my veggies this weekend...