Spinach Artichoke Mashed Potatoes + Friday Faves!

Because, Super Bowl.

While these aren’t something you would necessarily "dip" into since piling carbs on top of more carbs seems a smidge excessive. But, seriously though, YOU DO YOU. I won't slap a tortilla chip outta your hand or anything. But, if any of you plan on tucking into a more traditional dinner while watching the game this Sunday these are damn near perfect for the occasion.

Oh man, these are so freaking tasty. They taste so similar to that famous dip, but don’t have the globs and globs of mayonnaise and sour cream most recipes call for. The potatoes provide the entire base, I just added some cheese sauce to make them creamy and taste closer to the traditional dip.

They’re best paired with a simple main, since they’re on the richer side. But let’s be real, Superbowl Sunday isn’t one of those diet days.

Here are the Friday Faves for this week:

this is how sassy i *wish* my blog was

seven vegetables that are in season now

to add to my to do list

this reminds me, I have to start composting!

cauliflower, not carbs!

also on my to do list


my generation

oh and p.s. anyone want a bean-free hummus recipe?

Spinach Artichoke Mashed Potatoes


1 pound potatoes, peeled and chopped into 1-inch chunks

1 tablespoon butter

2 garlic cloves, minced

8 ounces spinach

1 can artichokes, drained

1 cup heavy cream

¾ cup shredded cheddar

cayenne, to taste

salt and pepper to taste

additional ½ cup shredded cheddar for sprinkling on top


In a medium sauce pan, cover potatoes with cold water. Bring to a boil over medium heat then reduce to a simmer until potatoes are soft when pierced with a fork, about 15 to 20 minutes.

Heat oven to 375 degrees.

While potatoes are cooking, melt down half the butter in a saucepan over medium heat and then add the garlic. Saute garlic until fragrant and then add the spinach. Cook spinach until wilted, less than 5 minutes. Remove spinach and garlic from pan and set aside. In the same pan, melt down the last half of butter. Add artichokes to pan. Cook artichokes just until heated and beginning to caramelize a bit.

Meanwhile in a small saucepan, heat your heavy cream over a medium-low heat. Season with salt and pepper. Heat only until just hot enough to melt shredded cheddar cheese.

Once your potatoes are done, drain the water from them and then mash them best as possible, you may need to add a splash or two of cream to get them going. Once mashed, transfer them to a casserole dish.

Stir the spinach, artichokes, and cheese sauce into the potatoes until combined well.

Sprinkle remaining cheddar on the top and throw into the oven until golden brown, about 30 minutes.

Serves 6 to 8 as a side

Friday Faves & some additions to my new year's list

Additions to my life goals list:

Figure out that whole tweeting thing

Be more consistent in this space starting with:

This series: “What I Really Eat” - which should make an appearance every other Wednesday - next one coming up is on the 21st and spoiler alert: it’s one of my favorite things on the planet.


Friday Faves - every other Friday- Starting TODAY - fun links to recipes, articles, anything that I come across that’s interesting.

This is a big one --- stop relying on my snooze button - I’m a lifelong snoozer. That ends now.

Oops, and I added a bunch of books to my pile, because I am *crazy*.

But these are books that have been sitting on my shelves for years, pretending to have been read by me. LIES. Divide and conquer, my friends. It’s the only way.

Here are the Friday Faves, enjoy!

summer, are you back yet?  -- warning! so not seasonal. don't get your hopes up.

this woman just slapped us all with a paleo truth stick.

one of my favorites that i've seen , what did you think?

i always thought these were interchangeable...

on my immediate "to make" list

oh man! the writing! and the irreverant use of heavy cream!

my latest obsession

great article on snoozing! see above!