Stuffed Tomatoes & some facts of life

I mean I feel like I should be tired of tomatoes by now.

But I’m not.

So I made these stuffed tomatoes, as inspired by smitten kitchen.

I had big plans to make these using cauliflower as rice.

What I didn’t plan on was the fact that we have not yet entered cauliflower season. I’m new at this whole seasonal eating thing. I’m still crossing my fingers that cauliflower and tomatoes might overlap? I don’t know if they do…..So I did these as written with rice, because I don’t have so many strong feelings towards white rice being evil. Once in a blue, seems cool to me.


And then not only did I do them using rice, I didn’t change a thing about the recipe. At all. It’s perfection. (Lies, I did use grated parmesan instead of breadcrumbs on top, but that's all I did differently! Oh and I knocked the serving size down to 4 and adjusted accordingly.)

You can find the recipe here, if you’re inclined to make these. I hope my pictures are tempting enough for you to click over there and get on them immediately! 

I leave you with these facts from my weekend away:

1.) Burrata is a way of life.

2.) I almost always go for the burger. Two out of three meals this weekend were burgers. One was for breakfast. #sorrynotsorry

3.) Everything can and should be pickled, especially peaches. Must figure out how to do this STAT.

4.) Balsamic Reductions go a long way to make all things delicious.

5.) Three out of the four things listed above had to do with ONE starter I ate this weekend. Obvs, it rocked my world. 

Recreation is on my to-do.