Monday Market Haul - 10/19/2015

Cucumbers, carrots, sweet peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, delicata squash, tomatoes, brussels sprouts, italian plums, honey nut squash

Cucumbers, carrots, sweet peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, delicata squash, tomatoes, brussels sprouts, italian plums, honey nut squash

Fall has finally rolled around and stolen all the long, hazy summer days — as mournful as I’d like that to be, finding tomatoes at the market still has softened that blow considerably.

After being away for several weeks, I wasn’t sure what I would find this past Saturday. But even though I was completely bundled (since I have the cold tolerance of a small tropical bird) everything I could have hoped for was still available for the taking.

Here’s to October, the month of making crispy, crunchy salads to go with ALL of the roasted things.

Fall, keep it up and I might just change my mind about you.

Monday Market Haul - 11/24/2014

Can we just pretend that I haven’t been away from here for a month?

Can we just?

Grownup life has taken quite the toll. There’s so much going on that while usually I would be all about obsessing over butternut squash and it's magical properties, right now I’m a little like:

“Squash? Who cares about squash. Squash is just squash and I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT SQUASH!!!!!”

But really though, I love squash, and my true self loves talking about squash and! and! and! I even made something with squash. A fall Mama Lunetta classic, redux. Someday soon I hope to share it with you.

Anyways, after a brief hiatus from visiting the market on weekends, here is a market haul for you all.

I'm in the mood to caramelize some onions, how about you?

gala and pink lady apples, white and orange sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, and sweet onions

gala and pink lady apples, white and orange sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, and sweet onions

Monday Market Haul - 10/13/2014

You guys! I can’t believe I went and made all sorts of grand promises the week before last!

And then I gave you nothing.

Ugh. Seriously. Ugh.

But really though, life kinda just walked up to me last week and slapped me right in the damn face. And hard.

So here I give you last week's market haul as well as this week's. Foregoing any sort of crazy happenings we will ACTUALLY be back to regularly scheduled programming this week.

Will try not to let you down.

Check back tomorrow. (Do even trust me?)

I think something sweet will make an appearance. Plums were a big thing.