Fresh Pea Deviled Eggs and a few excuses...

Oops. Hello, hi, I know…it’s been too long.

Yes? What was that? Sorry I can barely hear you over my own self doubting and guilty thoughts about not keeping up with this the way I wanted to.

Okay. Off to make a real go at it, starting……!

So, after many, many a weekend of not being in the comforts of my own kitchen, I’m hoping to get back on track here. Two of these past weekends were spent at my mother’s in CT. So while I couldn’t do my usual farmer’s market runs, I did spend the days weeding the garden, making flower bouquets, and picking wild raspberries from around the yard.

Can’t get more local than that, really. I know, woe is me.

Then, I spent this past weekend eating my way through Austin, Texas. See what did I tell you, full of excuses. I was visiting friends but mainly I stuffed my face with naughty, naughty (utterly delicious) food.

Of course, me, being who I am, I managed to come upon a farmer’s market, and somehow restrained myself from buying all the peaches and fresh tomatoes I saw. It was hard. Austin was full of friends, puppies, tacos, and hot Texas sun and I’m already missing it - but I’m also looking forward to my first free weekend in my city of New York in a while. Back to the market and back in the kitchen I go! I can’t wait, I have truly missed it.

In other more relevant news --- at one point I did get around to using some of my shelling peas from my CSA and have the pictures to prove it!


I was inspired by smitten kitchen’s spring asparagus version of these deviled eggs and when she suggested using peas instead, I made a mental note to do so. They were the first thing I thought of when I got them in my farmshare last week.


The eggs in the pictures look super green because I used mashed avocado instead of mayo, but mine went brown pretty darn fast. I would use mayo next time instead which is what the recipe below reflects.

These eggs had a lovely pop of freshness in an otherwise usually rich bite. Can’t wait to make them again with mayonnaise instead. Although, let me say, the avocado didn’t taste bad whatsoever, so if you’re anti-mayo it’s still a tasty choice. They just go from beautifully green to disgustingly brown in about 5 seconds, so eat them up fast!


Fresh Pea Deviled Eggs

inspired by these eggs over at smitten kitchen


4 hard boiled eggs

3 tablespoons fresh peas - shelled, blanched, and smashed or pureed

2 tablespoons mayonnaise (I use Sir Kensington’s)*

Squeeze of half a lemon ( approx 1 tablespoon juice)

½ tsp dijon mustard

salt and pepper to taste

*(If going the avocado route - use 2 tablespoons of avocado that has been mashed with a bit of fresh lemon juice)

Slice your hard boiled eggs in half and place the yolks in a bowl and set the whites aside.

(P.s. this is how I’ve been hard boiling my eggs with terrific results.)

Take your smashed peas, mayo, lemon juice, mustard and put them in the same bowl as the yolks and mash together to incorporate. Stir in your salt and pepper to taste.

Once fully mixed together, scoop yolk mixture and spread out equally among the egg whites. Serve immediately (recommended if you use avocado) or refrigerate covered in plastic wrap until ready to eat.

Last note, I fully recommend reading through the entirety of the smitten kitchen asparagus recipe from above. She has so many tricks and tips up her sleeve that are super helpful for making just the prettiest deviled eggs there could be.